
No Kyiv

OK...so now I didn't have to go to Kyiv. We did get permission to visit Galya, finally. Our corrected documents and approval for 3 kids is coming from Kyiv by train tonite. I now understand what the embassy does for us. Our translator said we are the hardest adoption she has done in the 6-7 years she's been doing it. Not the title I was hoping for. Craziest family? sure Most fun? maybe. Hardest? not so much.

The good news? we are having pyrogies tonite! Well, Levi and Jakob will have frozen pizza...yes, I'll cook it first!

Back to adoption stuff: we are now told that we need to get a letter from Vita's brother (who lives in Moldova!!!) and sister (who is institutionalized in FLORIDA!!!!!) The social worker didn't even know where the sibs are, but I do. Also, she is the social worker who helped Vita's sister get adopted!!! A huge problem here is the lack of taxis...odd since it's a large city. Large city also means our points of business are spread out....using bus/train are not efficient, so it's taking longer and more work to complete our paperwork. I still have a hard time getting my head around why it's so difficult for us to adopt 3 older children. Older kids are not exactly a hot commodity.

At the inspectors office today she claimed our I171H said nothing about adoption,just orphans. How the hell does she think we got this far???????????????? I wish they could cut the bull and just tell us up front what the expedite fee is going to be. We are tiring quickly of the game..or at least I am. I know the boys are not happy about sitting around during these trips....but they are doing great and being good boys. We are very proud of them and glad that they are here to experience this and see where their sisters are coming from. With any luck, and leftover money, we will get to Kharkiv to see Jakob's old 'hood and see his caretakers.

We are enjoying our soviet style apartment...with a/c and high speed. It's amusing to lay in bed at night and listen to the cat fights. There is an alarming number of stray cats/dogs here. David thinks Bob Barker needs to step in and do something!

We will not get to see the girls today....could be best to not push the camp director too much. This way we can get them if we need to do adoption business. So far we are only in for a bottle of cognac to him!

More tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Kathy and Matt said...

Saw your post to the UA forum and stopped by your blog.

Sorry to hear things have been so challenging for you. Your attitude sounds positive, so hang in there!

We'll keep you in our prayers!