
Friday's Dealings

What fun filled day we had today!!! The Yana and Vita went with us for the day and Galya is still with her family. We met the girls at the Battery Park … named for the now defunct military eqpt that is there on display. The boys like climbing all over the stuff, especially Jakob! From there we went to a Ukrainian version of a mall…it has all different types of departments and services from food to hardware to bank and flowers! We had a good lunch…everyone liked their lunch but David, so he ate the leftover pizza and some of my yummy potatoes! We got an outfit for Yana to wear to court next Friday. While she was trying on clothes Jakob was melting down in toys. He ended up falling on a shelf and cutting his head open about ¾ of an inch. The bleeding didn’t want to stop, so we took him to the hospital where they wanted to call an ambulance and transfer him to the children’s hospital…and be seen by a NEUROSURGEON!!!! He needed stitches…not an MRI or neurosurgery!! People: this is socialized medicine!! So as an alternative, we went to the pharmacy, spent $5 and went home and I shaved a spot on his head, cleaned, and bandaged it. He’s tough and didn’t make a sound. He should thank God I couldn’t get my hands on a suture kit!! What an experience that was! So, after the major head trauma, we went to the dolphinarium. I think that’s a made up word, but the place was cool nonetheless. It was a dolphin and seal show in a little pavilion down by the Black Sea. It was quite impressive with loud techno music and a few American rock songs thrown in for good measure. Well worth the $10 a person.

Our most awesome translator ran around town all day getting our paperwork in order. She has worked so hard on our adoptions… and is meeting our timeline with all the madness and demands thrown in her path. Our applications and other docs will be on the train to Kyiv Sunday night and registered at the center for adoptions Monday. We will have court Friday and head to Kyiv either Saturday or Sunday and fly home Sunday!! Our translator thinks David should return 20 days after our court date for the girls. That being around July 16 and hopefully home on the weekend! Party date: July 26th !!!

We can’t believe how fast time is flying by on this trip. I’m sure time will crawl during the waiting period when we can’t see the girls and they are stuck at the summer camp. I will need that time to rest up for the shopping we have ahead of us. The girls have such few personal belongings they will travel with just a backpack. When Vita’s grandmother sold her apartment, all of Vita’s things were left there and likely thrown out. We will leave our phone for Vita so we can call her and Galya has a phone already.

We only have a few more things to do related to the adoption: David needs a tax number so he can get the girls’ pension for them and we will do some paperwork to get birth certificates, etc..

Keep us in your prayers…it’s not over until the 10 day waiting period has passed after court!!


Kathy and Matt said...

Poor Jakob! Sounds like you provided excellent medical care!

Hope the rest of your weekend goes well.

Kevin and Tammy said...

You should probably be a nurse. Well done mom. That's our job though right. Looks like you are having a great bonding time.

adopting2fromUkraine said...

Time does fly when you are there and doing things. In our process, we were either running around doing things or just waiting. Waiting times go so much slower. Plus you've only been there around 11 days or so right? Our first trip last December was 5 weeks. And they went by very, very slowly.

I hope the rest of the process goes quickly for you.


dana said...

Well, what an adventure!! I know the waiting will be hard for the girls and for you too. I don't know what we have in girls things but we might be able to help you out some. I will begin looking through my closet of clothes to give away! What sizes do you think the girls are wearing??? We look forward to meeting the girls.