
The craziness that is Ukraine....

Well....David was picked up at the airport, which was a surprise. The hotel we where we had a room reserved didn't work out..he got there and they said they were booked and had no reservation for him. The said they don't do online reservations...yet their website has the application to do so. yup. So he found another hotel....where he sat today waiting for our translator to show up, as she was late and he had no phone to call her. So...they went to camp to get the girls and discovered that the court decree was drawn up wrong....listing me as the adoptive parent and him as the consenting spouse of the adoptive parent. There was a couple who used the same court the monday before our adoption and they had that situation since the man is legally too old to adopt the kids. I guess they forgot to change their fill in the blank adoption decree. Vita made it clear that staying another night at camp was not an option...she said they would look stupid if they had to stay another night....she's so funny! Once the decree was corrected, they went for groceries and to get settled in the apartment.

Tomorrow ( as in right now for David!) is going to be rushing to THREE different birth certificate offices to get the girls docs. AND the offices are only open from 9-1. AND they are closed monday. If the birth certs are not done friday, it will add several days to the trip since nothing else can be done until the new birth certificates are issued. (insert prayer) The girls have decided they want to sleep in and not go do adoption stuff. I wish I had that option when I was there!!! lol Should be easier to rush around with just 2 people. I think the girls want to go to camp to visit their friends too. Funny how they couldn't wait to get out of there, but are going back tomorrow!! Jennifer has a list of things she wants to do in Odessa before they have to leave for Kyiv. Both Jennifer and Yana will need to go to family's apartments and get personal belongings and hopefully some family photos to keep.

David attempted to blog....but the text was in cyrillic. So we will do second hand blogging! I will try to limit my artistic liberties.

Good news is I now have a car (read: bus!) that is large enough to haul the Kellett Bunch around the Ozarks! I'm sure the boys will have it broken (in) when the sisters three arrive!

So we are ready to roll......bring it on Mr. Kellett!!!

1 comment:

Kathy and Matt said...

Hoping all goes well with the birth certificates.

As I read your post with all the things your husband experienced, it just reminded me of how crazy and unpredictable the adoption process is in Ukraine.

Praying for you all!