
Been a crazy long time!!

WOW!! It's almost October!!

All kids are doing good in school...the girls are learning English with great speed and impress us all the time! Not all of it is good stuff...but that will make them well-rounded!

Yana and Vita have spent quite a bit of time at the dentist's office. Jennifer has been a little more lucky on then end of things!! All the girls are excited about their first Halloween! I would have never thought about that....but boy are they stoked!

The girls are getting extra reading in school....which I think will help immensely! Yana just recently added a reading component to her class schedule. It took much pushing on my part to get her OUT of US History and into something she can understand, learn from, and succeed at. Sometimes it's hard for authority types to think outside the box and use common sense over policy and procedure!! Especially in a small, rural district where non English speakers are few and far between.....and more so that the English is the primary language in the home! We love to challenge our school district, help then broaden their horizons, and take advantage all the tax dollars we have invested!

Vita had an incident with a closed minded person.....he said to her and her Japanese friend, "go back where you came from bitches!" Her idea to respond was punch him in the face....and she didn't care about 3 days off from school! We talked about diversity and discussed the meaning of the words "redneck" and "fear of something new". I think she gets it and dismissed him. I also told her she can tell him, " if you think I'm a bitch, you should meet my mom". I think she faced enough stuff in UA that she understands that some people are just that way and we can't all like/be liked by everyone.

This Friday is homecoming and Vita is excited! Not sure if she will go to the dance since her friends are not going, but she will enjoy the game and atmosphere!

Yana has been catching on at home a little better with regard to respect, rules, and cute doesn't cut it. She has lost privileges and learned the hard way that we mean business...and David and I are on the same team....always. Our team is also known as the winning team, the best team, the only team, and always having the home team advantage!

Life here is interesting...and fun...and exciting! We recently had David gone for 3 weeks. He had to do his duty after the hurricanes hit LA/TX. They gave him a chance to stay on for 60 days or 6 months more. Where as we would have enjoyed getting a pool with the money....it's better to have my sanity and no loss of life. I also don't think the 'Farm would pay for his divorce attorney!!

Will try to do better at blogging....in all my free time!!